Mathematics - Indices - Cambridge IGCSE

Hello, today, I want to share you a little material of math. I present this material to students who are learning about indices and will take IGCSE test. I hope this material can help you to answer indices questions. Have a good learning and keep spirit!

    As you know, indices have 10 laws, which are as follows:
    Alright, those're the law of indices. Now, I have some examples for you, so you can more understand.     Look at the examples!
    I hope you are understand with my explanation, because after this, you must do this exercise.
    Well, I think enough for today, thank you for visit my blog and see you on the next topic.. 👋


  1. Wow, I can understand this material clearly because you, thanks Chris

    1. You're welcome. Please share this blog to your friend. Thank you!


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